Authentische thailändische Küche in Mannheim
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Main Dishes - Thai Curry

All curry-dishes are served with rice. Please let us know, how spicy you would like your dish.

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Gaeng Phed - Red Curry
medium spicy, with bamboo shoots, aubergines, vegetables
20vegetarian 12,90
21with chicken 14,90
22with pork 14,90
23with beef 15,90
24with crispy duck 18,90
25with prawns 18,90
Gaeng Kua - Fruity Red Curry
slightly spicy, with tomatoes, pineapple and grapes
26vegetarian 12,90
27with chicken 14,90
28with pork 14,90
29with beef 15,90
30with crispy duck 18,90
31with prawns 18,90
Gaeng Paneang - Red Curry
medium spicy, with vegetables, kaffir lime
32vegetarian 12,90
33with chicken 14,90
34with pork 14,90
35with beef 15,90
36with crispy duck 18,90
37with prawns 18,90
Gaeng Kiao Wan - Green Curry
spicy, with aubergines, zucchini, vegetables
38vegetarian 12,90
39with chicken 14,90
40with pork 14,90
41with beef 15,90
42with crispy duck 18,90
43with prawns 18,90
Gaeng Massaman - Yellow Curry
slightly spicy, with potatoes, vegetables, onions and peanuts
44vegetarian 12,90
45with chicken 14,90
46with pork 14,90
47with beef 15,90
48with crispy duck 18,90
49with prawns 18,90
Gaeng Shu Shee - Red Curry
medium spicy, with lemon grass, vegetables, kaffir lime
50with prawns 18,90
51with fish in batter 18,90